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Terra Virtualis was published in 2023 by Iowa State. It was awarded the covered university research excellence award and won support from prestigious institutions such as the Grant Wood Art & Drake University. The project has received praise from state educational leadership, university professors across the country, and preservation institutions. 


Principles and workflows fostered in Terra Virtualis were used in projects by the University of Iowa and the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations, a division of the US state department.

Terra Virtualis has completed its goal of creating an adaptable framework from which museums and other historic institutions can use to create immersive virtual experiences. The technology was published under an GNU license to assure access to the technology and process identified by this project. 


Now it is up to institutions to adopt and expand this framework. This project has clearly demonstrated research, educational, and commercial potential for this framework but still much remains untested.


Future research needs to be focused on user knowledge retention, effects of distraction or overstimulation of the learning process, and comparative effects of alternative anchoring techniques.

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